Dadiani Palace

Cover image © Pavel Ageychenko

Dadiani Palace Museum is a historical and cultural landmark located in Zugdidi, Georgia. The museum was once a residence of the Dadiani family, who were aristocrats and rulers of the Samegrelo region. The palace is surrounded by beautiful gardens and is home to a large collection of art and historical artifacts. Visitors can explore the museum's rooms and galleries to learn about the history of the Dadiani family and the region they ruled.

The museum contains a diverse range of artifacts, including antique furniture, ceramics, textiles, and weaponry. One of the most interesting exhibits is the death mask of Napoleon Bonaparte, which was gifted to the Dadiani family by the French emperor parents. The palace also houses the family's personal library, which includes rare manuscripts and ancient books.

In addition to the exhibits, visitors can also explore the palace's beautiful gardens, which were designed in the English style. The gardens are home to a number of rare plants and trees, including a 300-year-old magnolia.

Dadiani Palace Museum is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Georgian history and culture. Its rich collection of artifacts and beautiful gardens make it a popular attraction for tourists visiting Zugdidi.

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